about me:

i guess this is the section where i introduce myself then. my name's quinn, i'm 19 and i live in the uk. i spend a lot of time on the internet because even my irl friends don't live too close to me (and public transort outside of london is horrendous). i made this cuz i got bored and had some stuff i wanted to share without necessarily putting it on tumblr, but my substack also wasn't the right place. i don't know how much this is gonna change over time but i'll figure all that out while i actually do it.

in terms of hobbies, i like to write & research for fun. i'm a journalism student, so you'd think i'd get enough of that in class. but, as much as i enjoy doing it for coursework, it's even more enjoyable to do that kind of thing with my own interests. one of the reasons i made this site in the first place was so i had a place to share my non-academic writing when i want to.

i can also play three instruments. the first one i picked up was bass when i was 12 because one of my mate's at the time could already play guitar and another was starting to learn the drums (original i know). i also worshipped pete wentz so i was more than happy to basically get assigned bass. started playing guitar a year later becaus i kinda wanted to play the entire time and found an old knockoff tele at a car boot sale for a tenner that i just couldn't leave there. i picked up the ukulele when i was 14 because one of my friends could play. when i have the space i'm considering getting myself a shitty keyboard and teaching myself the basics.

over the years i've also been on-and-off into photography. turns out buying a dslr camera when i was fifteen would end up being very useful as a journalism student. sure, it's a shitty one and i could borrow a way better one from college but it's mine and i don't ever have to worry about losing my sd card. i've also got a little film camera (a point-and-shoot, not an slr) but film is 1) expensive to buy and 2) expensive to get developed. i don't have access to a darkroom so can't even give it a go myself to cut costs so i don't use film very often.